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“Fret” (2010) ERASED WALL
Berlin Freies Museum
“Waiting” and “Levitation
When I get home again (2013)
South London Gallery
‘Aviary I ‘ (2011) ‘Aviary II‘ (2011) ‘Aviary III’ (2012) Gouache on paper, solo exhibition ‘Idyll’ Art First London
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‘Isolation Hospital’ (2014) tracing paper, wood, video, GB<Switch>NL, The Pulchri, the Hague, Netherlands
‘Chair and book’ (2014) Studio installation shot
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‘My Garden’ (2012) Gouache on paper. Idyll Art First, London, Natural History, Art First, London
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‘Letter” 2011 Installation: Perduto Padre CAVE project space, Trieste, Italy
“Letter” 2012 Installation: APT, London
Gloss paint and corrugated metal on MDF (2014) 300 x 400cm
“Perch” Video and sculptual installation: Idyll, Art First, London (2012)
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2010: ‘High Five’, Croydon. A five day screening projected in central Croydon from 6pm–midnight in a
continuous loop.